Solar Analytics Flyer Redesign:

Eco-Smart Solutions"

Revamped A4 double-sided portrait flyer/leaflet for Solar Analytics, a leader in smart solar software in Australia. This project involved refreshing the existing marketing materials to better convey the benefits of their advanced solar solutions for households, businesses, and solar retailers. The updated flyers, both in print and digital formats, emphasise the increased value solar technology offers.


  • Format: A4 portrait

  • Pages: Double-sided

  • Versions: Print and digital

Client Objective:

To enhance the visual appeal and effectiveness of their flyers, ensuring they communicate the advantages of investing in smart solar solutions and their commitment to sustainability.

Key Achievements:

✔︎ Delivered a visually appealing design that aligns with modern clean energy themes. ✔︎ Improved information dissemination on the benefits of smart solar solutions. ✔︎ Enhanced both print and digital outreach to maximize user engagement.

This portfolio piece showcases my ability to deliver targeted design solutions that not only meet but exceed client expectations, effectively driving engagement and fostering a deeper understanding of renewable energy benefits.


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