What Is a Digital Strategy? Definition, Benefits and Tips

As businesses embrace new technology, a well-defined plan can guarantee that the technology serves all employees within a company. A successful strategy can aid a company in enhancing brand awareness, attracting new customers, and streamlining business operations.

Understanding digital strategies can assist you in developing and utilising one for optimal results. In this article, I will define digital strategies, outline the components of these plans, highlight some key advantages of having one, and detail the process of creating an effective digital strategy.

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Cherie Jordan Cherie Jordan

Logo variations: Why They Are Important to Your Business.

You have a fantastic logo. It looks great on company letterhead, on your email signature, and on business cards. So why would you need variations of it? Logo versatility is important because as your business grows, your logo will be in more places. Each of these places will have its own requirements for how they will accept your logo (like different dimensions and file sizes). Think of it like different holes your company’s logo will need to fit.

Let me give a quick example: Once I worked at a company that asked me to order pens to give out at an upcoming conference. Sure. I could do that. How hard could it be to order some pens with our logo on them? Harder than I expected, it turned out. Because at the time of the company’s branding, they had only one colour logo created. That meant I needed to track down the original designer to obtain both a vectorized image and a black and white one.

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Cherie Jordan Cherie Jordan

5 Reasons Why it’s Always Worth Investing in Professional Design

In Summary, Professional Graphic Design is Always Worth the Investment

Think how many marketing and brand messages you’re inundated with every day. Emails, social media, general advertising etc. People have a short attention span than ever before for new brands and businesses. As such, you want your brand to stand out against the competition for all the right reasons.

First impressions count, and if branding design isn’t consistent, modern and tonally correct - you’re not going to get another chance to entice new customers.

As a freelance professional graphic and web designer, I can help you elevate your business with creative, clever and unique design. Investing in professional design is one of the first steps in taking your business and brand to the next level.

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Cherie Jordan Cherie Jordan

5 benefits of working with a Freelance Graphic Designer

There are many benefits to working with a freelance graphic and web designer. Not only do they promise direct communication, reduced overhead costs and flexible schedules, you can also guarantee quality and consistent work.

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Cherie Jordan Cherie Jordan

4 Simple Ways To Write Effective Website Copy

There are many benefits to working with a freelance graphic and web designer. Not only do they promise direct communication, reduced overhead costs and flexible schedules, you can also guarantee quality and consistent work.

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Cherie Jordan Cherie Jordan

How to Use Buyer Personas to Understand the Audience Better

Anyone who has sat down to write an article or website content knows how hard it can be. It can take an eternity to find the right approach as we wonder endlessly whether it will actually be helpful or not. This really shouldn't be the case given that most office going people today can type at around 50 words a minute.

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Cherie Jordan Cherie Jordan

Creating Content That Gets Read...And Shared!

Picture this - you stay up all night writing that awesome new blog post. Your research was thorough, and you made judicious use of keywords throughout the post, ensuring they were in the title, h1 tags and content blocks. You even made a good selection of pictures and threw in a few funny ones to get those all-important shares on Pinterest and Instagram.

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